M0bile apps - Web

McCann - Portal Inocencia ALDI

A search engine to maintain the innocence of children for another year.
Portal Inocencia ALDI para McCan
TV Spot

The challenge

The digital creative directors of McCann Barcelona had an idea for the new ALDI campaign: keep the secrets of Christmas safe from children for another year.

To achieve this, we had to be able to moderate any searches that children might do on Google. And we made it possible.

Filtering all Google searches to be able to moderate the results to questions like "Does Santa exists?" was not an easy task. The system had to be able to moderate any search that a child might do on the Internet, but they wondered if that would be possible. They had the idea but not the technical team to develop it.


After some R&D work, we made different developments to make that idea a reality and offer an integrated experience:

  • Browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox to filter searches
  • Web application to offer a Google-like search engine
  • Mobile app with the Innocence search engine


The result was a complete success and the development was done in a record time of 2 months. We managed to be just in time to launch the Christmas campaign.


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